theia 0.1.1 Released
Here is an intermediary stable release which has the first 3D graphics capabilities, as well as some more optics components. To download theia 0.1.1
, go to the Getting theia page.
Here are the new features implemented in 0.1.1
- CLI options:
now has a new command line option-l, --FreeCAD-lib
to specify where the FreeCAD libraries can be found. If one does not want to write the CAD file because FreeCAD is not installed one can use the option-c, --no-CAD
- Optics:
adds ghost surfaces in this release. These do not affect the beams and can be used to have an extra output line in the text output and in the CAD file. - Benches: The user can now specify a temporary shift in coordinates to describe optics respectively to a certain origin (as in a optical bench). Use the
lines in the input file for this. - 3D output:
writes a CAD file at the end o the simulation to be read by FreeCAD in order to review the optical setup in 3D and access all the features of CAD software.
Next steps in the future
The next steps will be to improve the 3D viewing for effective use and reviewing of the Gaussian data. On the optics side… here come the cavities, stay tuned!