theia documentation

The documentation for the theia program and library can be found in the following list:

  • User Guide: The theia CLI tool user guide and an introduction to the theia library API.
  • QuickRef: A compact and handy reference to the .tia input files syntax for the theia CLI tool.
  • API Guide: The formal and extensive description of the theia libray API (kindly generated by epydoc).

Online API documentation

You can can also read the API documentation right here with the online API documentation (kindly generated by epydoc).

Theia Project Documentation

If you would like to read on the Theia Project itself, you will find the project report as well as the presentation for its defense.

Some more documentation is:

Former documentation

On theiaonline we keep only the most recent documentation. If you are looking for the documentation of an older version of theia, we recommend you download the version you are looking for from the Getting Theia page and build the documentation yourself, as it is described in the file.